Ze Valnetine'Z Day :)
Scene #1:
Me: "Bacher V.day, and me being V-less :/"
My sis: "Lol, V.day is bid3a.. Who celebrate it will be cursed... Thank God u dont have a valentine.. This is the way I think about it, I am only allowed one bid3a a year and it is my Birthday! hehehehe"
Me: "Heheheh I feel much better now! Thanks :P"
Scene #2:
Me: "Hope you have a Happy Valentine's day with your loved ones! :) "
My friend: "You mean the imaginary loved ones? ;P"
Scene #3:
Me heading out of the gym (Yes, I spent V-day at the gym. It's my senctuary ;) ) and then this short chubby guy wearing a RED t-shirt approaching me, and BINGO! Right then and there, Proposing!!!! Creepy! A stranger, Valentine's day, Red T-shirt, Proposing! Need I say more?
Note to self:
Next 14th of Feb, Stay away from the color RED, ppl wearing RED, or anything that say "Valentine" :) Hope you enjoyed your day too ;)